Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Special Interest is killing our leaders Their names suggest selfless dedication to democracy

Special Interest is killing our leaders
Their names suggest selfless dedication to democracy.
June-26-2012--Investigation has found that these groups and others are being quietly bankrolled by corporations, unions and other special interests. Their main interest in the once-a-decade political fight over redistricting is not to help voters in the communities they claim to represent but mainly to improve the prospects of their political allies or to harm their enemies.
The number of these purportedly independent redistricting groups is rising, but their ties remain murky.
Contributions to such groups are not limited by campaign finance laws, and most states allow them to take unlimited amounts of money without disclosing the source.
"Congress has always had, and always will have, lobbyists and lobbying," 
"We could not adequately consider our workload without them." But he also stresses the need for vigilance.
"The history of this institution demonstrates the need for eternal vigilance to ensure that lobbyists do not abuse their role, that lobbying is carried on publicly with full publicity, and that the interests of all citizens are heard without giving special ear to the best organized and most lavishly funded."
President Ronald Reagan warned, “freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Agenda 21: An Expose of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Initiative and the Forfeiture of American Sovereignty and Liberties Thru Debt "Major leaders from around the world are part of a united effort to remain in power forever. to do so , people are lured into the trap of perpetual debt , making it impossible to be repaid by the people. so in turn, all property and assets will be repossessed by the debtor. "------------ Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Fifth Amendment (Amendment V) to the United States Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, protects against abuse of government authority in a legal procedure nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Agenda 21: 

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Capitalism and Freedom "The Relation Between Economic Freedom and Political Freedom, "Brace Yourself! The American Empire Is Over & The Descent Is Going To Be Horrifying!"

Capitalism and Freedom
"The Relation Between Economic Freedom and Political Freedom,
"Brace Yourself! The American Empire Is Over & The Descent Is Going To Be Horrifying!"

June-13-2012-- Economic arrangements play a dual role in the promotion of a free society. On the one hand, freedom in economic arrangements is itself a component of freedom broadly understood, so economic freedom is an end in itself. In the second place, economic freedom is also an indispensable means toward the achievement of political freedom.
that individual freedom is a political problem and material welfare an economic problem; and that any kind of political arrangements can be combined with any kind of economic arrangements. The chief contemporary manifestation of this idea is the advocacy of "democratic socialism" by many who condemn out of hand the restrictions on individual freedom imposed by "totalitarian socialism"
Clearly, economic freedom, in and of itself, is an extremely important part of total freedom.
Viewed as a means to the end of political freedom, economic arrangements are important becuase of their effect on the concentration or dispersion of power. The kind of economic organization that provides economic freedom directly, namely, competitive capitalism, also promotes political freedom because it separates economic power from political power and in this way enables the one to offset the other.

capitalism is a necessary condition for political freedom The "really" important ethical problems are those that face an individual in a free society - what he should do with his freedom. There are thus two sets of values that a liberal will emphasize -- the values that are relevant to relations among people, which is the context in which he assigns first priority to freedom; and the values that are relevant to the individual in the exercise of his freedom, which is the realm of individual ethics and philosophy.

Social organization to be as much a negative problem of preventing "bad" people from doing harm as of enabling "good" people to do good; and, of course, "bad" and "good" people may be the same people, depending on who is judging them.
In a free society, we tend to forget how limited is the span of time and the part of the globe for which there has ever been anything like political freedom: the typical state of mankind is tyranny, servitude, and misery. economic limitation on freedom and the other a political limitation,
deprivation of religious freedom, which all would regard as "civil" or "political" rather than "economic",
The basic requisite is the maintenance of law and order to prevent physical coercion of one individual by another and to enforce contracts voluntarily entered into, thus giving substance to "private". Aside from this, perhaps the most difficult problems arise from monopoly - which inhibits effective freedom by denying individuals alternatives to the particular exchange -- and from "neighborhood effects" -- effects on third parties for which it is not feasible to charge or recompense them.

freedom of the individual, or perhaps the family, as our ultimate goal in judging social arrangements. Freedom as a value in this sense has to do with the interrelations among people;
So long as effective freedom of exchange is maintained, the central feature of the market organization of economic activity is that it prevents one person from interfering with another in respect of most of his activities. The consumer is protected from coercion by the seller because of the presence of other sellers with whom he can deal. The seller is protected from coercion by the consumer because of other consumers to whom he can sell. The employee is protected from coercion by the employer because of other employers for whom he can work, and so on. And the market does this impersonally and without centralized authority.
are all societies that cannot conceivably be described as politically free. Yet, in each, private enterprise was the dominant form of economic organization. It is therefore clearly possible to have economic arrangements that are fundamentally capitalist and political arrangements that are not free.



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Monday, June 4, 2012

Limits of Perception full documentary

Limits of Perception full documentary
June-04-2012--"We are surrounded by mysterious worlds. Worlds hidden from us by their sizes, too small or too large to be noticed. But now it's possible to see these worlds. What's changed our perceptions? Technology; extending our natural senses, taking us on a remarkable journey from our own world through strange parrallel worlds down to the smallest and up to the largest elements of creation..."

History of China The Roots of Madness 
-CIA Cold War Documentary 
June-04-2012-The film attempts to analyze the Anti-Western sentiment in China from the official American's perspective, covering 170 years of China's political history from Boxer Rebellion of the Qing Dynasty to Red Guards of Cultural Revolution The film focuses on the power struggle between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China amid heavy political intervention from Moscow with Sun Yat-sen

Tiananmen Massacre Anniversary 
Why It's Different This Time
June-04-2012--Twenty-three years after the Chinese military violently cracked down on protesters in Beijing's Tiananmen Square, the incident has never been officially recognized by the Chinese government or the Communist Party.
In fact, 2012 may be the year that certain officials - especially Premier Wen Jiabao - decide to redress the Tiananmen Massacre , for the Chinese people and the Communist Party

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